This is a great place to start if you’re looking for more information on leaky gut. What is it? Are there consequences of intestinal permeability? Which habits contribute to it? In what ways can you reduce permeability in the gastrointestinal tract? Below are some answers. I’ll walk you through each step. Remember to reach out to me if you have questions. If you believe this is something you’re struggling with, set up a call and learn about functional testing to start digging deeper.

Leaky gut is a major player in digestive dysfunction. Oftentimes clients who explore nutritional therapy will need support in this area and I almost always add a healing agent to a client’s protocol after functional testing. Over many years of chronic leaking, autoimmune conditions and many other diseases can manifest.

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As a result of a permeable gut lining (think like gaps in the intestinal wall), bacterial products like lipopolysaccharide (LPS) circulate through the bloodstream. LPS may bind to lipoproteins, find their way to arterial walls and trigger an immune reaction. Foam cells result from this response and it is thought that this process initiates atherosclerosis [plaque in the arterial walls].

LPS creates systemic inflammation which may also accelerate aging (termed inflammaging) and negatively impact brain function. It has been shown that LPS influences the brain’s immune cells, microglia, to initiate neuro-inflammation and breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. Early aging and cognitive dysfunction follow.

Some evidence shows the link of LPS and mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

With all this scientific research, it astounds me that traditional allopathic medicine isn’t addressing this topic. Many doctors will diagnose IBS, prescribe medication, or perhaps recommend a specialized diet like low-FODMAPs. When the current medical complex fails to give answers – and I’ve seen this in my clients before – nutritional therapy may be the perfect bridge in the gap to help you find safe, natural, and effective interventions. What’s holding you back from healing leaky gut? What are ways to support the healing of the gut lining?

Take Action

Well, I believe knowledge is power. So while the list of associated diagnoses may feel daunting, know that you have it in your control to change! Some simple yet very important dietary and lifestyle changes can be made to reduce the chance of circulating bacterial products like LPS and the consequential diseases.

What is holding you back is chronic use of alcohol, chronic stress, wheat & gluten containing foods in the diet, refined sugar, processed carbs, and lack of adequate healthy fiber.

What are the interventions that may support healing the gut? Read below for some tools to help minimize the chance of those tight junctions opening and forming gaps in the intestinal lining.

Choose to Heal

Our bodies are powerful healing machines. We simply need to know how to assist in the best possible ways.

How can we tell leaky gut is present? Want to learn more about how it may be affecting you? Nutritional assessments give us the signs and symptoms. Using a tool like the GI Map stool analysis provides more objective information. The best way to know is to test, not guess.

It is my hope this information empowers you to take action! You are in the driver’s seat, and I’m here to help guide you along the way.

In health,

Chloe Jane

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